News | 06.09.2024
Plinio Sist, Director of the Forêts et Sociétés research unit at CIRAD, has just published a book entitled “Exploiter durablement les forêts tropicales” (Sustainable management of tropical forests), published by Editions QUAE.
This book is intended for a wide readership, and aims to present scientific knowledge of the environmental effects of timber harvesting in a way that is accessible to non-tropical forest specialists. It reveals the possible ways in which timber harvesting can become a genuine tool for the conservation of tropical rainforests.
This essay is available in hard copy and as a free downloadable pdf on the QUAE website.
The publications that we relay to the ATIBT are also always an opportunity for us to point out that all the members of our association, based in 28 countries and in particular in producer countries, have unconditional commitments to the sustainable management of tropical forests. In this way, the association represents more than 90% of the volumes of legally certified or certified sustainable timber from Africa.