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Become a Fair&precious Official Partner

If you are concerned about the future of tropical forests


Why become an Official Partner

Françoise van de Ven, President ATIBT

Do you worry about the future of tropical forests?

  • You want forest resources to be preserved.
  • You want to contribute to helping local populations and to protect the fauna and flora.
  • You want to help us promote a sustainable material with exceptional qualities.

Official Partners Fair&Precious

Become a Fair&Precious Partner

  • Because Fair&Precious forest managers are certified* in legal and sustainable forest management.
  • Because Fair&Precious is the only program that offers a sustainable alternative to preserve forest resources in the Congo Basin.
  • Because Fair&Precious forest managers are committed to working toward local economic and social development.
  • Because Fair&Precious forest managersset up controlled programmes against poaching and the restocking of species.
  • Finally, it is important to restore confidence among tropical timber users and to promote the acquisition of products from sustainably-managed tropical forests.

    *certifications issued by FSC, PEFC and controlled by independent bodies
km2 of certified forests, including 48.230 km2 in the Congo Basin and 10.000 km2 in the Amazon
direct jobs, including 5.900 in the Congo Basin and 600 in the Amazon
indirect jobs, including 20.000 in the Congo Basin and 2.000 in the Amazon

Engage yourself

Do you want to become an Official Partner?
Contact us at the coordinates below or fill out the form.

(Association Technique Internationale des Bois Tropicaux - International Tropical Timber Technical Association)

  • Campus du Jardin d'Agronomie Tropicale de Paris
    45 bis, avenue de la Belle Gabrielle
    94736 Nogent-sur-Marne CEDEX
  • +33 1 43 94 72 64