The Pasquet Menuiseries group comes from an artisanal fund taken over by the grandfather of the current directors in 1925. Marie-Hélène and Vincent Pasquet, brother and sister, have been in charge of management since 1993.
The group’s head office is located in Argentré du Plessis. Pasquet Menuiseries (Pasquet Joinery) is a manufacturer of industrial joinery: windows, doors and shutters. The windows and doors are manufactured using the 4 materials used in the French market: timber (the group’s traditional manufacturing medium), mixed timber/aluminium, aluminium and PVC. It is known for the quality of its productions. The joineries are intended for both the new home and renovation markets. Pasquet Menuiseries distributes its production through specialised dealers and its own agencies that is has been developing for the past 25 years (15 Pasquet agencies) maintaining therefore control over most of its sales. The Pasquet Menuiseries Group employs 580 people in France, 430 of which work in its production sites and its head office departments. Pasquet Menuiseries uses metropolitan timber such as oak and pine, but also exotic timber. For 45 years, and through its subsidiaries in Cameroon, Pasquet has been managing its supply of exotic timber. As they have always been respectful of forestry laws, the Cameroonian subsidiaries Pallisco and CIFM committed 10 years ago to the sustainable management of forest resources. In 2006, they obtained FSC certification. Pasquet also initiated an inspection of its chain of custody, thereby obtaining FSC certification for its exotic timber production and the PEFC label for its oak and pine production in 2011.
29, Bd des Saulniers
35370 - Argentré du Plessis