Longhi includes several species of the genus Gambeya. The properties and the aspect of the wood can vary between the different species. Generally yellow-brown, it is mainly used in cabinet making (for luxury furniture), and in interior carpentry.
Gambeya spp.
Family: SAPOTACEAE (angiosperm)
Commercial restriction: no commercial restriction
The white longhi (Chrysophyllum africanum) and the red longhi (Chrysophyllum lacourtianum) are two different species. The first one is bigger, it can reach 50 m height for 1,5 m diameter, whereas the red longhi measures approximately 30 m for 1 m diameter.
The fruits are edible; the red longhi is locally particularly sought after for its fruits.
The tropical wood longhi is an interior wood with low durability. It is used in interior joinery and cabinet making.
It can be used for the following purposes:
Structures and panels
Carpentry and interior fittings
Miscellaneous uses
The exotic species longhi is found in Central Africa. Its distribution area extends from West Africa (Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana) to Central Africa (Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Congo, DRC).
Longhi is a non-deciduous, shade-tolerant species that grows in evergreen and especially semi-deciduous forests. Its seeds are dispersed by animals, from May to December.
Read the Tropix sheet of longhi (CIRAD).
Read the Tropix sheet of longhi (CIRAD).
Read the Tropix sheet of longhi (CIRAD).
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use(s) for this species :