Angueuk is a tropical tree growing in the forests of West and Central Africa. It gives a pale yellow wood slightly brownish, which darkens in the light. It is used in interior fittings and exterior joinery, as well as for heavy frameworks and industrial flooring.
Ongokea gore
Family: OLACACEAE (angiosperme)
Commercial restrictions: no commercial restriction
Angueuk is an exotic tree reaching 35 m high and 80 cm in diameter. The trunk has a cylindrical base, sometimes a little swollen. The bark is greyish and rough, its yellowish edge becomes reddish brown when drying.
Angueuk tropical wood is used for industrial and heavy work, interior joinery and furniture, and exterior joinery.
Although not widely marketed, the exotic timber angueuk can be used for the following products:
Structures and panels
Exterior joinery (building facade)
Carpentry and interior fittings
Outdoor equipment - Recreation
Industrial usage and heavy work
Miscellaneous uses
The distribution area of the tropical species angueuk extends from the Atlantic coast of West Africa (Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria), to Central Africa (Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Congo, DRC).
The exotic species angueuk is a non-deciduous species of evergreen and semi-deciduous forests. Its seeds are dispersed by animals mainly from September to February.
Read the Tropix sheet (CIRAD).
Read the Tropix sheet (CIRAD).
Read the Tropix sheet (CIRAD).
Sources :
Copyright: Q. Meunier, C. Moumbogou, J.-L. Doucet, 2015, Les arbres utiles du Gabon
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